You might notice Aloe Vela is material or ingrediant for a lot of skin health care product, or skin related product, most simple reason is because Aloe Vela have the content which is most similiar to skin of human.
1. Helps heal minor burns, cuts & rashes ( and old rashes)
2. Helps alleviate the pain of sunburn while speeding healing
3. Works as a skin moisturizer has anti-inflammatory properties
and much more...
In stead of using those product which content Aloe Vela, why don't we apply Aloe Vela directly. hence, i would to share how i actually DIY to produce my own Aloe Vela gel...
Aloe Vela is easy to grow and care for, select the mature leaf (more than one year) of aloe vela which laid near to ground compared with other. These are largest and should be healthy...

Yellow sap is not usefull, leave the leaf upside down and drain the sap out for fews minutes...

Most people use aloe simply by cutting off a piece of leaf and squeezing the liquid onto their skin. This works, but it wastes the inner gel, which is the most potent part of the plant. To use the gel, you'll need to "fillet" the leaves rather than merely squeezing them. The filleting process also reaps much more aloe gel/juice. When properly prepared and refrigerated.

Use a spoon to gently scoop out the gel, or solid fillet...

These aloe juice that isn't commercially processed, so it tends to have an unpleasant odor. This is normal and won't affect its properties. Come to worst... just replace a new cup of new aloe vela gel, i don't know what is the expired date of these gel, but don't keep it too long in the refrigerator...

As storage, use a glass or food-safe plastic container. Best is something that can block out excess light. I use a ceramic cup with cover for these...